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Marching Forward with Creative Work

2022 update a glimpse of joy Mar 07, 2022

I don't know about you, but some days, I'm wondering where Jan and Feb went to - I can't believe we're in March already! Nonetheless, I'm marching forward with my creative plans as I continue to learn Kajabi's systems (this website and what it offers) and as I make some time to keep my creative juices flowing!

So... this is what I've been up to lately:

  • I've been working on my creative membership - refining content, clarifying what I want to offer you and creating content for future months.
  • I'm creating new Traceables which I'd love to offer in a short course - more news will come soonish.
  • I'm finally at the point of transferring more courses from CourseCraft over here to Kajabi. It all takes so much time - but it'll be so utterly exciting once everything is transferred over. Thank you for your patience!
  • I sold some Rock Art and bookmarks to Kennedy's Parable Saskatoon this month - if you are local - check them out.  :)
  • Did you know that I occasionally create greeting cards? I print them out at a local Print Shop, package them and send them to the clients. While I don't often accept new clients (due to time constraints), I designed a new card line of designs last month for an order, commissioned by a local business. I'm so pleased with how they turned out.

On a more personal note, our youngest son has been really growing lately and it's to the point that I'm not sure if he's taller than me now, or if he only is taller when I'm slouching. Ha ha! I imagine that many of you are familiar with comments like, "Hello ________, you sure feel short today."  Laugh/groan! But truthfully, I love how proud and happy our boys get when they start to grow taller than me, even if the constant comments does get to be annoying sometimes!  ;)  

I wish you all a wonderful week and I hope that you'll get some creative time!

